Best Rates in the Basin

Loan Rates

Effective 3/3/2025

Loan APR Term
*Autos 4.90%* to 18.00% N/A
*ATV (Dirt Bikes, 4-Wheelers, etc.) 7.90% to 13.90% up to 48 months
*Watercraft 7.49% to 15.90% up to 60 months
*Motorcycles 7.90% to 15.90% up to 60 months
*Motor Home/Travel Trailer 7.90% to 14.90% up to 84 months

Loan APR Term
Personal 9.90% to 16.90% N/A
Fully Secured by CD - Variable Rate 2.50% above CD rate up to 60 months Determined by FBCU CD Maturity Date

Loan APR Term
*†Residential Mortgage 5.875% to 7.875% up to 360 months
*†Home Equity 5.375% to 8.125% up to 360 months
*Mobile Home with Land 9.500% to 10.750% up to 120 months
†Interim Construction Loans 9.500% to 10.500%, A.P.R. determined by loan Maximum term 18 months
†Land Loans 9.500% to 10.500% up to 120 months
*APR (Annual Percentage Rate) determined by credit score (Risk Base Pricing)
†Fees and other restrictions may apply, including loan amount, loan term and % Loan-to-Value (LTV)
* Lowest auto rate with autopay transfer from your First Basin Checking Account 
* Mobile Home with Land must be registered as real property to qualify for lending.
*All of the above rates are with a First Basin Credit Union account. This disclosure statement is incorporated into and comes as part of your credit plan agreement. Please keep this attached to your credit plan agreement. The annual percentage rates and corresponding daily periodic rates for each loan type are listed above. Credit Life, Joint Life, Disability, and Involuntary Unemployment Insurance monthly premium factors are listed below. The maximum age for Life Insurance and Disability & Involuntary Unemployment coverage is 71 years of age. The Termination Age for Life Insurance and Disability & Involuntary Unemployment coverage is 72 years of age.   IMPORTANT: Insurance products listed below are not available for real estate loan products.
  • Single Life:  .67¢ per $1,000 of insured debt; maximum life insurance amount of $100,000.
  • Joint Life:  $1.00 per $1,000 of insured debt; maximum life insurance amount of $100,000.
  • Single Disability* : $2.31 per $1,000 of insured debt; maximum monthly benefit of $1,000/month; maximum benefit of $100,000.
  • Joint Disability*:  $3.47 per $1,000 of insured debt; maximum monthly benefit of $1,000/month; maximum benefit of $100,000.
  • Single Involuntary Unemployment*:  $2.00 per $1,000 of insured debt; maximum monthly benefit of $1,000/month; maximum benefit of $12,000.
  • Joint Involuntary Unemployment*:  $3.00 per $1,000 of insured debt; maximum monthly benefit of $1,000/month; maximum benefit of $12,000.
*Only available with Life Insurance Coverage


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